Before your joint replacement procedure, make sure you know what to expect. Understanding how each stage of the treatment process works will help you and your loved ones make your experience as comfortable, relaxed, and positive as possible. Our staff will be there to support you before, during, and after your surgery.
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After your surgeon schedules your surgery you will get a call from the hospital to schedule an appointment for Pre-admission Testing and Education Class. During this appointment you will have any necessary lab work, EKG, or X-rays. You will meet with an Occupational Therapist and a Physical Therapist who will do evaluations and teach you exercises and strategies to regain your strength and return to your normal activities.
You will attend a group class led by an orthopedic nurse who will review the things you need to know prior to surgery, including what to expect and how to achieve the best possible results.
You will be seen by an internal medicine physician who will do an assessment and then will follow you while you are in the hospital to oversee any medical needs. This physician works closely with your orthopedic surgeon to ensure that you are in optimal condition before and after surgery.
Welcome to Kettering Joint Center Surgery Team. Our surgery team consists of people who care about giving you the best possible experience on your day of surgery to ensure that you get the optimum results from your joint surgery. We are able to accomplish this by utilizing our expertise, years of experience, and advanced technology that is available to us.
This team consists of the following:
The orthopedic nursing unit has a very experienced, highly skilled nursing team specially dedicated to high quality, compassionate care of the joint patient. The nursing staff will check on you hourly in order to make sure all your needs are met.
The Rehab portion of your hospital stay could be the most important part of your entire post-operative process. We instruct the patient in safe movement (functional mobility) and educate you on modified techniques for activities of daily living so you can return home and be as independent as possible. We also instruct the patient in a progressive home exercise program so that optimal range of motion and function can return after you receive your new joint. Remember-it is up to the patient to do your therapy at home so you can achieve the full range of motion and return to an active lifestyle.
Physical therapy begins for all joint patients in Pre-Admission testing. The patient is educated on the post-operative rehab process including walker training, stair training, and initial leg or lower extremity exercises that should be performed by the patient on the evening of your surgery day.
Occupational therapy also begins in pre-admission testing. The pre-operative evaluation will assess upper body strength/coordination and your ability to complete your activities of daily living (ADL’s). The patient will be educated on home safety, various pieces of adaptive equipment, and transfer techniques you will need post-operatively to mobilize safely. For example, getting in and out of the shower and also getting in/out of a car.
Post-Operative PT and OT may begin as early as 4 hours after you return to your hospital room from surgery, depending on the type of anesthesia you received in surgery. We will work with nursing to get all our joint patients sitting up on the edge of the bed the day of surgery.
The PT will come in and review the exercises that were given to the patient in PAT. New exercises will be added for the patient to perform. On Post-Op Day One the patient will begin walking with the walker. The OT will come in and assess the patient’s bed mobility and transfer ability to a bedside chair.
Post-op day 2 includes additional home exercises, further distances to walk as tolerated, lower body dressing with assistance, and getting up and down stairs. The patient will be taken to the bathroom to work on toilet transfers. Hip replacement patients will work with the OT in beginning use of adaptive equipment so that daily skills can be performed without breaking the post-op hip precautions. This is a good day for you helper at home to come in and observe your afternoon PT session. By then we will have a good idea of how much help you are going to need at home.
Post-op day 3 is usually the day most patients are discharged to home. Your therapy on this day will include instruction and performance of your complete home exercise program, going up and down the number of stairs that you have to maneuver at home, and walking a longer distance with the walker. The OT will be able to work on any remaining difficulties with ADL’s you may have. Your at home helper should come to therapy in the morning to make sure they are confident in all they have to do to make you safe at home.
If you have any questions about rehab following a joint procedure please call (937) 298-3399 extension 55585.
You will be discharged with a home exercise program developed specifically for either a hip or knee replacement. Do you exercises at home as prescribed until your 2 week follow up appointment with your surgeon. At that time, he will either order outpatient physical therapy or tell you to continue your home exercise program you were instructed in at the hospital. Outpatient physical therapy will progress the exercises you were given at the hospital and begin more strengthening activities.
The day after you surgery, a Social Worker/Discharge Planner will meet with you in your room. One’s home situation and possible discharge needs will be discussed. The Social Worker/Discharge Planner can obtain needed equipment for home, arrange home care services, as well as set up extended care for rehab purposes. Though your needs will be addressed while you are in the hospital, you may want to verify your coverage for services with your insurance prior to admission. Direct any questions to the Social Services Department at #937-298-3399, Ext. 55715.
An interdisciplinary team including your physical therapist, occupational therapist, case manager, social worker and nurse, in consultation with the physicians, collaborates to assure appropriate goals are established and post-hospital arrangements are addressed well in advance of discharge. Our goal is to give you the information, therapy and education you need so you can return home safely.
At discharge you will be given prescriptions for pain medicine and an anticoagulant to prevent blood clots. Because discharge generally takes place late in the day you may want to ask for these prescriptions earlier so that a family member can get them filled for you. Our Kettering Pharmacy, The Apothecary, can fill these prescriptions for you. We have a Concierge Service that can be reached by calling x54755. You will be prompted to leave your name and room number. A concierge will come to your room to obtain the necessary information and then your prescription will be ready for pick up when you are discharged. This very convenient service will save you a stop on the way home or a special trip to another pharmacy. The Apothecary accepts a majority of insurance coverages and prices are competitive with any pharmacy in town. This service is available from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
You will return to your surgeon’s office about 2 weeks after your surgery to have the staples removed and the incision checked by a nurse. At about six weeks after surgery you will see your surgeon for a check up. We are available to answer questions at any time by calling The Kettering Joint Center at 937 395 8571.
Kettering Network Home Care has been recognized by The Joint Commission as one of the top 25% home care agencies in the nation for 2 years in a row. Kettering Network Home Care is a leader in high-tech therapies while staff maintains a personal focus with the highest level of quality. This quality is reflected by our Medicare certification, the Joint Commission Accreditation, and through the skill and knowledge of our experienced professional staff. Our team works with you and your physician to develop a complete plan of care to meet your specific, individual needs and goals.
Kettering Network Home Care provides:
Let us help you home safely! Call us today at (937) 384-8750.
Our comprehensive joint replacement program was created by our very own team of specialists.
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