Arthrosis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Arthrosis Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Arthrosis is a disease that affects the joints. First, the disease affects the articular cartilage, and then becomes chronic and spreads to the nerves, ligaments, muscles and bone.

Symptoms of the disease

The disease does not develop at lightning speed: at first, a person may notice a characteristic crunch in the joints when walking, movements of the spine, shoulders. Stiffness in movements is gradually added to the symptoms of arthrosis, especially after a prolonged state of rest. As a rule, patients go to the doctor when pain becomes more intense at the moment of physical exertion.

Common signs of arthrosis:

  • initial short-term pain after rest;
  • painful sensations during prolonged physical stress, arising from the inability of the joint to fulfill its main tasks;
  • meteorological dependence: pain in arthrosis can appear during rainy weather, excessive humidity outside the window and surges in atmospheric pressure;
  • discomfort in the body at night caused by venous congestion;
  • sharp, extremely intense pain arising from the infringement of the articular muscles.

Types and stages of the disease

According to localization, arthrosis can be ankle, elbow, shoulder, etc.

There are the following stages of the disease:

  • Stage 1: no pronounced changes. Cartilage tissue lacks nutrients and becomes less resilient. Primary inflammation causes unpleasant pain;
  • Stage 2: the destruction of the cartilage structure and the spread of bone growths. The sick person suffers from regular pains that subside and reappear;
  • Stage 3: the cartilage is especially thinned and deformed, the mobility of the joint is sharply limited due to shortening of the ligaments.

Preventive measures

Prevention of arthrosis is based on reducing the risk of injury. The main measures include:

  • competent training regimen (if the sick person goes in for sports);
  • weight control;
  • timely diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic and endocrine diseases;
  • if you have a genetic predisposition, be attentive to your health and not overexert yourself physically, provide moderate physical activity.

Causes of arthrosis

Most often, the disease develops due to concomitant factors. The main causes of arthrosis are as follows:

  • dislocation, fracture, ligament rupture and other injuries;
  • dysplasia of the articular limbs;
  • insufficiently dense connective tissue;
  • autoimmune disease;
  • inflammation of cartilage and bone tissue;
  • metabolic failure and other pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • circulatory system diseases;
  • genetic degenerative diseases, for example, osteochondritis and others.

Risk factors

Despite the fact that absolutely everyone can get arthrosis, there are categories of people who are especially susceptible to this ailment. These include:

  • elderly people suffering from disorders in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • persons suffering from obesity;
  • athletes and persons whose work involves excessive physical activity, often irregular;
  • patients who have undergone joint surgery in the past;
  • people with a genetic predisposition;
  • patients who have dystrophic disorders in the lumbar and cervical spine.

Danger of disease

If arthrosis is not diagnosed and treated in time, the joint will become excessively deformed, which will also affect the bone next to it. As a result, a person will not be able to move without crutches. Often, a person qualifies for disability.


If you notice signs of an illness, you should get an appointment with an orthopedist. The diagnosis is made taking into account the clinical manifestations and the X-ray image. In some cases, an additional MRI or CT scan may be required, it may be necessary to consult a rheumatologist.

Based on the general picture, the doctor will determine the stage and prescribe the appropriate treatment.


The process of treatment is aimed at preventing further deformation of the joint and ensuring its adequate functioning. Therapy includes:

  • non-drug methods: reduction of physical activity, physiotherapy exercises;
  • drug therapy: determined by the doctor individually, depending on the stage and nature of pain. It includes anti-inflammatory drugs in combination with sedatives. Hormonal agents and chondroprotectors may be prescribed;
  • physiotherapy: reduces severe pain syndrome;
  • surgical methods of treating arthrosis: used in advanced cases when other methods are ineffective. There are radical interventions (arthroplasty with severe joint destruction) and palliative care (osteotomy, arthrotomy, performed to relieve the joint).

The terms of treatment depend on the stage of the disease, as well as the methods chosen by the orthopedist.

Frequently asked questions

Can arthrosis be cured at home?

If you do not get proper medical assistance, your condition can worsen. Arthrosis cannot be treated on its own.

Why is arthrosis dangerous?

If you do not get adequate therapy, the joint tissue will continue to deteriorate, which will subsequently lead to constant intense pain. Over time, it will be extremely difficult for a person to maintain the same level of mobility, which entails qualification for disability.

How to diagnose an ailment yourself?

Based on the symptomatology, you can suggest that you have this disease. The final diagnosis will be made by an orthopedist after an examination.

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